Genealogy Surname List

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Aberdare(2), Absolom(4), Agar(1), Ainslie(578), Ainslie-Young(2), Aitchison(1), Allan(1), Amesbury(2), Anderson(3), Armstrong(1), Arraiol(3), Arthur(1), Ashburner(12), Ashton(1), Astley(1), Atherton(1), Atkins(1), Atkinson(1), Atwell(1), Autry(1), Bailey(8), Barbour Simpson(1), Barr-Sanders(1), Bartlett(8), Bates(2), Baxter(5), Becher(2), Begbie(1), Begg(1), Bellhouse(10), Bellissimo(3), Bidlake(14), Bjornaa(1), Black(1), Blackburn(1), Blair(2), Blamey(11), Bligh(5), Bond(13), Boutcher(9), Bowman(1), Bradfield(1), Braithwaite(1), Branchflower(1), Britchford(1), Broadbent(2), Brown(4), Browne(1), Browning(6), Bruce(2), Brundrit(1), Bryant(1), Buchanan(5), Burbee(1), Burton(3), Bush(3), Bushby(1), Byng(1), Caddy(3), Caldwell(2), Campbell(2), Carstairs(1), Case(1), Caverhill(2), Cawood(3), Chalmers(8), Charlesworth(2), Charlton(1), Chassereau(2), Chester(2), Christian(1), Christison(5), Church(3), Clark(3), Clarke(11), Cloete(7), Clowes(5), Coan(1), Collins(1), Collodulne?(1), Colt(1), Conyngham(2), Cook(2), Cookson(2), Cooper(1), Cope(4), Cotterell(1), Cowans(1), Cranstoun(1), Crawford(1), Crombie(5), Crommelin(1), Crookenden(1), Crow(1), Cullen(1), Cuninghame(1), Cunning(3), Cunningham(1), Cunninghame(2), Curzon(3), Daglish(4), Dakyns(2), Dale(4), David(2), Davidson(1), Daymond(1), de Borbon(1), de Loriol Chandieu(1), de Loriol(1), de Quevedo(1), de Riddel(1), de Riddle(1), de Spay(1), DeMarco(2), Dent(1), Denys(1), Destaing(1), di Monte(1), Dicksone(1), Doan(1), Donaldson(1), Dorrington(3), Doughty(1), Douglas(2), Droomer(4), Druce(1), Drury(3), Dudgeon(4), Duff(5), Dunlop(12), Dymond(1), Dzamba(1), Eaton(2), Edwards(1), Elliot(14), Ellis(1), Ellison(3), Elphick(2), Elphinstone(2), Elun(1), Errington(1), Eyles(1), Fairclough(1), Farquharson(8), Farrer(4), Fayet(1), Fenton(1), Ferguson(2), Festu(1), Festu-Vulliamez(1), Finnigan(1), Fitzgerald(1), Fleming(1), Fletcher(1), Floyd(3), Fogarty(1), Forbes(2), Ford(4), Fortune(2), Forwood(2), Fotherbie(1), Foulis(3), Fourie(1), Fowler(3), Frames(2), Frazer(1), Freeman(3), Freer(1), Fuller(1), Fullerton(3), Gabriel(1), Gagnon(1), Galbraith(73), Galizia(1), Garbon(1), Gardiner(1), Gauvereau(1), Gell(4), Gibb(1), Gillard(1), Gilmore(1), Girdwood(1), Glasford(1), Glessing(1), Gomez(1), Gordon(8), Grant(3), Grant Duff(2), Grant Henshaw(5), Grant(4), Grant-Duff(4), Grant-Duff-Ainslie(9), Graves(2), Gray-Buchanan(1), Graydon(1), Green(1), Greenbank(1), Greenman(30), Grey(2), Griffin(2), Grundon(1), Guthry(1), Haarhof(1), Haggertson(1), Haigh(2), Haitlie(1), Hale(3), Hamilton(6), Hann(1), Hardcastle(1), Harper(1), Harrison(1), Harvie(8), Hawkins(4), Hay(2), Hayden(5), Haynes(3), Heffelfinger(1), Helps(4), Hendrickz(1), Henning(1), Henshaw(1), Henwood(1), Henzell(1), Hepburn(2), Herds(1), Heron(1), Hill(1), Hills(7), Hockly(2), Hodges(1), Hodgson(3), Hogan(2), Hogge(1), Holloway(2), Home(1), Hooper(1), Horne(2), Howell(1), Howieson(2), Hoyt(1), Hudson(1), Hume(14), Humphreys(1), Hunt(2), Hunter(14), Hurry(2), Huth(5), Hutton(1), Innes(3), Jack(1), Jackson(4), James(2), Jaumard(1), Jeffkins(1), Jenkins(3), Johnson(2), Jones(5), Jordan(1), Joubert(1), Kastner(1), Kello(1), Keough(1), Keown(1), Ker(7), Kerr(4), Key(3), Kildwell(1), Kindermann(1), King(1), Kirby(2), Kirkland(2), Knott(3), Krabbé(1), Kyd(1), Lafone(89), Lamont(1), Lanchester(1), Lashbrook(1), Latimer(1), Law(2), Lawrence(8), Lawrie(3), Lawson(1), Learmonth(7), Lees(1), Leeson(1), Liddell(1), Lind(6), Lindsay(1), Lipartiti(1), Lisk(1), Littlejohn(2), Living(1), Lockhead(1), Lomax(4), Long(3), Lookup(1), Loveday(1), Lowe(1), Lubbock(2), Luckett(1), Lyle(2), Macallan(1), MacEwan(1), Malins(2), Mallandaine(2), Maloney(1), Mann(3), Mansel(3), Mansell(2), Mapham(1), Marchant(2), Margaret(1), Marsh(2), Marshall(1), Martin(2), Martinez(3), Matheson(13), Mayne(1), McArthur(1), McCarthy(1), McColeman(2), McCormack(3), McCulloch(7), McDonald(1), McKee(1), McKoun(1), McLennan(1), McMaclbride(2), McMurgadhach(1), McPherson(1), Meakin(4), Mearow(2), Meissnet(1), Mendel(2), Miall(1), Midgley(1), Migneron(1), Miller(3), Milne(2), Mitchell(2), Molesworth(1), Monkhouse(1), Moore(2), Morden(2), Morgan(2), Morphet(4), Morris(7), Morrison(2), Munro(2), Murdoch(8), Murphy(1), Murray(1), Musgrove(2), Nelson(1), Newsome(1), Newson(1), Nichol(2), Noble(4), Norton(1), Notley(1), Nuttall(2), O'Carrol(1), Oatley(2), Obrist(1), Ogilvie(1), Oliver(1), Otto(1), Owen(1), Painter(1), Palmer(1), Parker(1), Paxton(1), Payette(1), Payne(1), Peacock(1), Pearce(3), Pearson(1), Pennell(5), Pentney(2), Pepper(1), Perrina(8), Pettigrerw(1), Pherson(1), Phillips(1), Pierce(2), Pile(1), Pilling(2), Plenderleith(1), Plowden(2), Potter(1), Potts(2), Prest(3), Prexl(3), Priday(3), Pringle(8), Quevedo(1), Raff(2), Ramsay(2), Rappel(3), Rawlings(1), Rawlinson(2), Reesor(1), Renner(2), Rentel(1), Reynolds(1), Richards(7), Richardson(3), Richmond(6), Ricketts(10), Riddell(1), Roberts(3), Robertson(3), Robinson(2), Robson(8), Robsone(1), Rooke(3), Root(2), Rose(1), Ross(1), Roth(1), Rouse(1), Rowell(1), Rowley(2), Ruggi(2), Ruh(1), Rutherford(20), Ruthven-Stuart(1), Sagle(1), Sandiford(4), Sandys(1), Saroli(4), Saunders(1), Sawer(2), Schaefer(1), Schmidt(1), Schneider(1), Scollard(1), Sconce(2), Scott(14), Seacombe(1), Setchell(1), Shackle(4), Shapter(4), Sheppard(1), Shields(1), Shortreed(1), Sibbald(10), Simmonds(1), Simpson(3), Slade(1), Sluymers(1), Smart(1), Smith(18), Sokolov(1), Sparks(1), Spears(1), Stack(4), Steele(1), Stein(1), Steven(3), Stevens(1), Stewart(2), Stewart?(1), Stirling(2), Stone(1), Strain(3), Stuart-Menteith(1), Sullivan(1), Sweet(2), Tanfield(1), Taylor(3), Temple(1), Thomas(7), Thompson(5), Thomson(14), Thorpe(1), Thurling(1), Tomkinson(2), Trzcinski(1), Tyree(4), Unknown(10), Urata(3), Uys(1), van Breda(1), Van Dyk(1), van Goethum(1), Van Zyl(1), Vernon(4), Veron(1), Viljoen(1), Visscher(1), von Bredow(2), von Laur(1), Wadham(4), Walker(2), Wall(1), Wallace(3), Walters(1), Warner(2), Watson(6), Watt(1), Watts(2), Webster(1), Weir(1), Wellesley(1), Wemyss(1), Went(1), Westerman(4), White(2), Whitehead(3), Whitelaw(4), Wilkie(4), Williams(3), Williamson(1), Wilson(30), Wingrove(1), Winn(1), Winrame(1), Wood(2), Woods(3), Wynne(2), Yardley(5), Yeats(4), Yildiz(3), Young(3), ?(8)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2016 Marilyn Ainslie (

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